eMail Package
Utilize access to over 250 Million email addresses by delivering your messaging through targeted email marketing deployments!
How it works:
We create a custom email deployment that will contain multiple links and will be deployed only to our list of permission-based users. The email addresses are sourced from thousands of popular websites on the look and feel of your website.
Extend the reach of your email marketing campaign by retargeting users who opened/clicked on the email. PSN eMail will tag the users who opened/clicked on the emails and retarget them with display ads as they browse the internet for a week post-deployment. Retargeted users are 70% more likely to convert on a website and show extremely high engagement rates with display ads.
Comprehensive follow-up:
Clients will receive a post-deployment recap to see open rate, click-through rate, which links users are clicking on, and more.
*Rates Available Upon Request
Services Include:
- Guaranteed PSA distribution
- Total online impressions: 500,000 (200,000 unique emails & 300,000 retarget impressions)
- Custom e-mail design
- Targetable audience selection
- Retargeted display
If you would like further customization options please contact a PSN representative to discuss your campaign.
Pricing terms and placement are subject to approval by the media partner based on location, inventory and message approval.